Saturday, November 16, 2013

Martien's 2 day workshop--Multiple Resists

This class had all ten of us working our brains and creative spirits!  We had the joy of learning about multiple resists and sculptural forms with several different projects. The two days with Martien allowed us to delve deeper into the process of 3-d work and opened up some surprising possibilities!  I think we will never be the same! :)  If you ever have the chance to take a class with Martien Van Zuilen be sure to go for it...aside from being a wonderful felt artist she is an excellent teacher who shares, supports, pushes, and guides you into her knowledge of fiber.  Between the 3 day workshop and the 2 day workshop Sally and I had a marvelous week! Thank you Martien.


  1. Looks and sounds like Martien's workshop was marvelous...Wish I'd been there with all of you. Thanks so much for sharing your wonderful photos.

  2. Wish you could have been here's been a long time since we've seen you in person at the Michigan retreat with Joni. Hugs.
